Monday, May 12, 2008

Iron Man Reviewed

This movie is interesting. Earlier last year i watched iron man which was an animated feature. i enjoyed that a lot. So this time when i sat down to watch Iron Man i was going to compare it to the animated version.

Let me tell you some thing though. when i sit down to watch a movie between April and early august. there are a few very basic expectations i have. A- I want it to look and feel as though it was made as a tribute to the phrase 'Eye Candy'. B-It better be fun to watch. C-So awesome that i would buy the shitty merchandise games, even after being told that the game would be shitty.

So how did Iron-Man fare? I thought it was a slick start to 2008's special effects extravaganza. If this year's visual stunners continue to look and feel this crisp and rounded then I have very enjoyable few months ahead of me. I thought the effects where way better than other super hero films i have seen. One thing was Iron Man's movements were realistic as compared to what i have seen. especially the fight scenes on the ground. Motion was not at all over-exaggerated. And the special effects embodied the essence of the super hero very effectively. Very believable and entertaining. I simply loved the dogfight scene and the little brawl in the desert.

As far as summer movies go you usually try not to think about the story. As far as comic book heroes go this seemed very tastefully written, not the best story and at times predictable, but it wasn't too cheesy or too tacky. And it covered the basics as introduction to Iron Man. I like the humor elements of the movie and i guess i am trying to say is that the dialog was well written, whatever little dialog it did have. That said I would prefer if the movie had more action and even though it wasn't disappointing as Jumper, it left me want more "Iron". Which is a good thing because this movie mentioned Nick Fury. That can only mean one thing. SHIELD. So ladies and gentle-men we will see some pretty interesting stuff in future. I am sure as hell there will be a sequel and it will definitely be good so long as the production team remains the same.

The only thing i have to complain about was that the final battle happened at night. That's lame. I don't like it. What do you want to prove by showing us the suit during the day gleaming in the sun looking hotter than the month of may, and then having the final fight at night? Spider Man 1, Spider Man 2, Spider Man 3, Hulk and X-Men (All of them) had fights at night!!!! i don't want to see night fights!!!! i want a day fight!!! A freakin' awesome day fight!!! Like Superman Returns or Transformers!!

Also i thought the makeup sucked. Not too much, just a little, i mean the dessert people had moist skin that was made to look dry. They should have had dry skin that was dry.

Apart from that I am seeing a great potential for a sequel. The reason is its cool, stylish and partially witty. I might watch the whole deal again in fact. Just kidding I wont!! Will watch Speed Racer instead. But back to Iron Man, go and watch it because its cool and relaxing and the next time someone pisses the shitzu out of you, you can, in your minds eye, raise your iron hand to his face and say "i am not scrap metal" and 'Flight Stabilize' his face!!(Honestly why on earth do they call it a flight stabilizer, its a multi-purpose pulse generator, such Kapuchwens!)

PS: This Iron Suit has one feature that no super hero can mess with, the ability to be a Phone while in flight or otherwise! I bet batman feels pretty damn stupid now! I mean with his two way radio and gliding cape, boo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...